David Pays My Rent

What's the deal?

The premise

They say your rent should be one third of your paycheck. Well, for those of us living in New York City, one third of our paycheck goes to brunch and the other two thirds go to "Brooklyn Property Management" (or something along those lines). So naturally, when I saw an opportunity to have someone pay my rent for a little while, I jumped at it. 

For reasons I will truly never understand, my brother-in-law has offered to pay my rent in exchange for this podcast. Now you might be thinking, "isn't he just trying to buy your affection?" And to that I say pshaw! Even if he were just trying to bribe me, I would still take his money - and have fun doing it along the way! So, big bro, this podcast goes out to you ... and your bank account. 

The Pod

In the words of the late Jonathan Larson, " 'Cause everything is RENT!" Well, if everything is rent, it's high time we find out a little more about it because when you're living in America at the start of the millennium, there's no chance in hell you own your own apartment. From your neighbors to your roommates, landlords to tenants, everyone has a different perspective. Let's explore what each of these parties has to say and together get a better understanding of life in someone else's home. 



Now, this isn't going to be all fun and games. There are some GROUND RULES here, ok? I can't just record my farts and call it a podcast (don't think I didn't try this already). So at dinner one night not too long ago, I got David to lay down the law.

If you didn't catch that, here's the trade off:

Four episodes = 3 months of rent

One show = 28 minutes in length

Appearance on David Letterman forthcoming...

All I can say is: If I can't come up with one hour and fifty two minutes of content in exchange for three months of rent, then my undergraduate degree in Art History is truly worth nothing (although it wasn't really worth much to begin with, as my mother likes to remind me).